Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On to the wildflower reserve in Clanwilliam ...

After lunch we moved on to the wildflower reserve on a hill above the town, overlooking the Clanwilliam Dam.  The sun was high and it was extremely hot so conditions for photography weren't the best but the pix below give some idea of what the flower displays look like.  Of course the varieties and colours change as spring moves on so the views are never the same on subsequent vists during September and October.

When you first enter the garden you are greeted by the kokerboom or quiver trees, so called because the Bushmen (earliest inhabitants) used them as containers for their arrows.


Walking down towards the dam ...



Salvador González Parra said... [Reply to comment]

Your blog is very interesting, I love flowers too!
I have got a school blog, I am collecting flags, Can you visit my blog please ?


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