Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The twilight hour

And so we came to our last evening in Nieuwoudtville at that magical pink and gold time when people head for home and the animals settle down for the night ...

and the ducks play "follow my leader" home.

 A classic Cape country scene - windmill and bare tree branches silhouetted against the amethyst sky.

Tomorrow we would be on our way to Calvinia.


The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said... [Reply to comment]

Compelling. I’m reminded each time I visit your blog how a passion well expressed can inspire. Thanks for sharing, all the very best and a lovely weekend.

Tom Bailey said... [Reply to comment]

The ducks walking across the road remind me of the "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes. Maybe there is a a why did the ducks cross the road joke in there someplace?


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