Monday, December 7, 2009

Meeters and greeters

The thing is, you see, when you arrive at Temenos (of which more later) , you are greeted enthusiastically by a whole band of unusual hosts.  There's an aristocratic but aloof looking peacock ...

One of his wives perched on the wall in front of your cottage, trying not to look too interested ...

A little duck whose curiosity is far more apparent and extends to an inspection of your home to be ...

and this little speckled fellow who paddled across the pond full steam ahead to inspect us for himself.

Once the inspection was finished we could turn our attention to the gardens around us.  Small white Cape cottages with thatch roofs hunker down amidst olive trees, lavender and rosemary and a riot of colourful indigenous plants.  Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow bushes and fragrant roses add to the delicious heady scents all around.

Gravel paths wind between cottages and flowerbeds.

And finally the door to our cottage, with yet another seemingly bored looking visitor.

Baskets of lush pink geraniums dotted amongst some of the flowerbeds.

The tranquil duck pond in front of our cottage with some of its residents taking an afternoon nap.  The island in the centre is home to dozens of yellow weaver birds busily making new nests, mainly it seems from strips of bamboo leaves which they tear off the stems with surprising strength.


The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said... [Reply to comment]

I'm never disappointed when I visit. You are so very talented. You see the world the way I wish I could and I tell you something else I love bird so this post was all the more special for me.
You have a lovely week,


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